Jeff Messenger
Join my lifelong friend and fellow paranormal investigator, Jeff Messenger, as we explore some of his more fascinating haunted experiences in New England, including the creepy Warner Theater in Torrington, CT!
Join my lifelong friend and fellow paranormal investigator, Jeff Messenger, as we explore some of his more fascinating haunted experiences in New England, including the creepy Warner Theater in Torrington, CT!
We explore hauntings in Australia, Greece and Britain, from the experiences of medium, paranormal investigator, and Director of Services for the Warren Legacy Foundation throughout Europe, Kathrine Sorilos. Her encounter with a djinn is not to be missed!
Michelle Reuss, Regional Director of Services for the Warren Legacy Foundation in the Midwestern United States, medium, paranormal investigator and so much more, joins us today for a fascinating tale of her night in a spectral speakeasy and brothel, and her confrontation with a phantom gangster!
Join me and my special guest, Karen Tibbetts-Williams, a Wiccan witch, paranormal investigator in Aukland, New Zealand, and an Oxford graduate! We will examine the history of witchcraft and Wicca, discuss their differences, and also talk about a possession case of a Maori woman. Not too mention egregors!