Maria Alves of Portugal shares her experience with divination, explains the history of astrology, unlocks the mysteries of Umbanda & Quimbanda, and the spiritualism of Alan Kardec. This is a deep discussion with a tremendous amount of information. I hope you enjoy it!


Cathy Rogers

Cathy Rogers, psychic medium and president of the Edmonton Paranormal Society in Ontario, Canada joins me to discuss the truth about hauntings, her weird slip into another dimension during an investigation, and her amazing experiences with haunted Barbies, psychic children, and ghostly pets. If you can, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts, 1-5 stars!

Ashley Storm

The amazing Ashley Storm, medium and member of the Warren Legacy Foundation, shares her creepy adventures at a haunted bridge in Texas, as well as her extraordinary experiences with the spectral Bonnie and Clyde, famous robbers of the 1920’s! Hear the truth from the woman who may know them best!

Michelle Reuss

Michelle Reuss, Regional Director of Services for the Warren Legacy Foundation in the Midwestern United States, medium, paranormal investigator and so much more, joins us today for a fascinating tale of her night in a spectral speakeasy and brothel, and her confrontation with a phantom gangster!